
猶太歸主運動(Messianic Movement)對一些人來說是等同於彌賽亞猶太教(Messianic Judaism)。但是,從現代猶太歸主運動在十九世紀開始以來,並非所有承認自己是這運動的一份子的猶太信徒,會以彌賽亞猶太教來形容自己的信仰內容,並其生活的實踐。

多年在猶太人中傳福音和接觸各方猶太信徒群體的理查•吉布森(Richard Gibson)形容現代猶太歸主運動是一個還原本色化(re-contexturalization)的運動,其意思是,這運動致力把外邦教父希臘化的基督教,以至當今被歐美民族本色化民族化的基督教,回復原來初期教會的猶太化基督教,而同時間,在不同程度上融合了(syncreticism)經年累積的猶太傳統文化風俗的基督教。

身為國際彌賽亞猶太信徒聯會(International Messianic Jewish Alliance)的英國代表,對猶太信徒歸主運動有相當研究的理察•哈維(Richard Harvey)形容這歸主運動為一個「重新表露初期教會的猶太化基督教的近代運動」(renewed expression of the Jewish Christianity of the early church,註),同時,哈維亦給彌賽亞猶太教下了一個很有意思的定義:彌賽亞猶太教是相信耶穌是那應許的彌賽亞的猶太人的宗教信仰,它是既是一種猶太式的基督教,亦是一種基督教化的猶太教,同時對基督教和猶太教作出信仰上和界限上的挑戰(a Jewish form of Christianity and a Christian form of Judaism, challenging the boundaries and beliefs of both,註)。

在近代猶太歸主運動初期,大部份願意向教會見證神仍不斷選召猶太人歸主的猶太信徒,稱自己為希伯來基督徒(Hebrew Christian),以表明自己既是基督徒亦是猶太人的身份。到了二十世紀七十年代起,越來越多猶太信徒有心向自己的同胞並外邦教會作見證,改稱自己為彌賽亞派猶太人(Messianic Jew),藉此建立一個更鮮明的社會和宗教信仰上的身份,並開始建立富有不同程度的猶太化聚會所和會堂;其信仰、生活實踐和聚會模式等可說是百花齊放,完全跟據其聚會點的創辦者的領受而訂立和調整,與一般在基督教歷史上出現過的運動甚為不同。這運動發展至今,仍是一個形色多樣化的教會現象,並不能用一組的信仰宣言和教會模式和運作手冊之類來統一地看這運動內的個別信徒或信徒群體。


註:Richard Harvey, Mapping Messianic Jewish theology- A Constructive Approach, Milton Keynes, Paternoster, 2009, 第1頁。

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2 thoughts on “現代猶太歸主運動(一)

    • Thanks for your reply, Dingo. I fully agree with you. These Chinese and other Gentile Christians who identify themselves as Messianic Jew and some even gone through the conversion process have committed the error that Apostle Paul condemned in the Epistle to the Galatians. For Jewish believers to adopt or maintain their Jewish culture (without violating the teaching of the Bible) is acceptable and was the same practice as the Apostle Paul. But for Gentiles to do so is against what the New Testament teaches, although in the Old Testament times, Gentiles who joined and partook the Passover celebration with the Jewish community had to circumcise. That is no longer necessary for Gentile believers. Many Gentile believers oppose the Messianic Movement have nothing against Messianic Jews living Jewish but rightly oppose Gentiles becoming Messianic. Adopting such identity is a false spirituality and these Gentiles tend to be charismatic Christians as well. I shall introduce the issue of Gentile Christian claiming or converting into Messianic Jews later.
